The situation of tiger conservation on a global scale can be characterized only as catastrophic. For last 100 years the number of this kind was reduced in 25 times — from 100 thousand to 4 thousand. At the same time the number continues to decrease because of destruction of habitats, poaching, forced shooting of the tigers, posing threat for people in the areas with a dense population.
Russia is the unique country of natural tiger’s habitat, where the number of this kind has considerably grown since the middle of the last century and during last 10 years rest stable. Today in our country the largest tiger population lives in a uniform (common) natural habitat (more than 450 tigers, or about 11 % of the world number). It became possible due to the undertaken measures of conservation in 1950-1980th, such as an absolute prohibition on prey and catching of tigers, creation of a network of protected areas, research activities.

For tiger conservation on a global scale the countries of the natural
habitat have decided to combine efforts. As a result of unprecedented
cooperation of the 13 natural tiger
habitat’s countries, and also the
national and international noncommercial nature conservation organizations,
the international institutions are prepared the project of the Global Tiger Recovery
Program (GTRP) and the project of the Declaration of heads of governments
of the natural tiger habitat. These documents is planned to pass in the
frame of the International Tiger Forum which will be held in St.-Petersburg
on the 21-24st of November 2010.
The International Forum in St.-Petersburg becomes the final link in the preceded the Forum long chain of the international meetings and initiatives.
With the idea of carrying out in 2010 the International Forum at high level concerning tiger conservation on the Earth the President of the World Bank Robert Zelik (so-called «Global Tiger Initiative») came up in June, 2008. He gave utterance to the idea of preparation and accepting at the International Forum of global strategy of conservation and tiger population restoration.
In April, 2009 Igor Chestin sent the letter to Vladimir Putin with the offer on carrying out of the International Forum in Russia. In reponse to I.Chestin’s letter, on the 4th of May, the first deputy of the Chairman of the Russian Government Igor Shuvalov has charged the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, The Ministry of regions of Russia and The Administration of Primorski Krai jointly to prepare the draft decision of the Russian Government about carrying out in 2010 in Russia the International Tiger Forum. The corresponding direction of the Russian Government from January, 26th, 2010 № 38-r was signed by V.Putin. Subsequently in the specified governmental direction from July, 5th, 2010 were made changes concerning the Forum’s venue (initially specified as the Forum’s venue Vladivostok was changed to St.-Petersburg).
During several international meetings of the natural tiger habitat’s countries the possible ways of joint decisions of tiger conservation’s tasks, including necessary support from the International Community, were discussed.
The International meetings on the tiger conservation’s problems and their results, 2009-2010:

The International meeting «the Forgotten crisis».
As a result of the meeting the Pattaya manifesto on fight against crimes against wildlife has been accepted.
The Global meeting on tiger salvation (Katmandu).
As a result of the meeting the recommendations from Katmandu on tiger salvation were accepted.
The First Asian conference at ministers level on tiger conservation problems.
As a result of the conference the Huahin declaration on tiger conservation was accepted.
The Partner dialogue before a meeting at the highest levels (Bali).
In the frame of the meeting the project of the Global Tiger Recovery Program and the project of the St.-Petersburg’s Declaration were discussed and approved.
The International
Forum at level of heads
of governments concerning tiger conservation
on the Earth.
In the frame of the
Forum adoption
by heads of governments of the
natural tiger habitat’s countries of the
St.-Petersburg Declaration and ministers of countries —
the Global Tiger Recovery Program is planned.
Thus, as a result of the International Tiger Forum in St.-Petersburg the common position of the natural tiger habitat’s countries the decision of stabilization and restoration of tiger’s population task on the planet will be developed. At the Forum the key strategic documents which realization will help to coordinate efforts of all the tiger habitat’s countries, and also the donor countries and the interested international organizations, directed on elimination and prevention of threats factors for tiger conservation, and also restoration of tiger populations in all its natural habitats will be adopted.
The Global Tiger Recovery Program considers the requirements, revealed as at national level (national priorities for tiger conservation), and at transboundary, global or problem-oriented levels. Besides, the Global Tiger Recovery Program rely on the international agreements on biological variety conservation and threatened rare species protection, including the biological variety Convention, the Convention on threatened flora and fauna species international trade, the Convention on migrating species of wild animals conservation, supplementing, but without replacing them.