
Tiger conservation in Russia

The first Strategy of preservation of the Amur tiger was made in Russia in 1996, so that teams which struggle against poaching (special inspection "Tiger") was created in 3 national parks ("Zov tigra" ("Tiger’s call"), "Udegejskaya legenda" ("the Udegejsk`s legend") and "Anjujsky") and in a federal wildlife reserve "Leopardoviy". There are 770 thousand ha that were taken under protection.

In 2010 RF Ministry of Natural Resources adopted the Amur tiger preservation strategy and the plan of their number increasing for the next 10 years.

  • Tiger conservation in Russia

    The first Strategy of preservation of the Amur tiger was made in Russia in 1996, so that teams which struggle against poaching (special inspection "Tiger") was created in 3 national parks ("Zov tigra" ("Tiger’s call"), "Udegejskaya legenda" ("the Udegejsk`s legend") and "Anjujsky") and in a federal wildlife reserve "Leopardoviy". There are 770 thousand ha that were taken under protection.

    In 2010 RF Ministry of Natural Resources adopted the Amur tiger preservation strategy and the plan of their number increasing for the next 10 years.

  • Youth of the world in support of the Tiger

    The campaign "Youth Voices for Tigers" has collected a lot of video messages from children from all over the world. At the forum they will merge into a call to take active steps to save tigers, because children do not want to grow up in the world without these beautiful animals.

  • Tiger Day in Russia

    "Tiger Day", one of the largest environmental festivals in the world, was held for the 11th time in Vladivostok and gathered more than 7,500 people.

    Children participated very actively in this annual event; many of them presented the marathon "Tiger’s Trail", held at the initiative of the World Wildlife Fund; the marathon united in the environmental relay 15 nature reserves, 3 national parks and 9 non-governmental organizations of the Far East.

  • Amur tiger

    Russia is the unique country of natural tiger’s habitat, where the number of this kind has considerably grown since the middle of the last century and during last 10 years rest stable.

  • Тiger conservation

    For tiger conservation on a global scale the countries of the natural habitat have decided to combine efforts. As a result of unprecedented cooperation of the 13 natural tiger habitat’s countries with the national and international noncommercial nature conservation organizations, Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) and Declaration of heads of governments of the natural tiger habitat were accepted.

Tiger's photo